What’s the deal? Even fresh-faced PR folks know that If you’re sincere about developing relationships with media folks, a press kit is among the essentials, if not the top one. Given its importance, I’m shocked to find so many so bland. Content as well as design should make it easy and fun if you want to pull the journalist in.


Flamboyant Fact Sheet

Who says backgrounders or fact sheets can’t be creative as well as educational? Our digital world opens up endless possibilities. Consider conveying the company’s personality with a controversial story/framework. Add graphics where appropriate. You might even think about a video background piece that may include some humor. You have more creative license in a video to add some obvious puffery. If you go the video route, make sure there’s a text version available as well. The point is do something to make your fact sheet different than others in your space. It will pay off when a reporter needs a resource and immediately recalls yours.

More to the Mix

In addition to the profile that summarizes your company—primary business, history, market needs and products/services that fulfill them, distribution, locations, management—include the most recent news release, capabilities brochure, customer testimonials/references, and a case study or two. It goes without saying (but you’d be shocked at the schlock out there), all pieces should be well written (releases and fact sheet in AP style).

Share your creativity in making your company’s profile a standout.